Join a group of passionate people
of all ages who are working
to change the systems that make waste.  


Our current needs are: 

Menders: PEOPLE THAT LOVE TO SEW!! We are looking for more Menders to volunteer, our Mend-It Cafes are once a month for a few hours. If you love to sew and want to Volunteer, please fill out our Volunteer form or Mender's form to connect with us!

Policy tracker: Want to really understand the legislative process? Follow waste related bills and provide the Board and group members updates and action alerts. Attend weekly 1 hour Plastic Free Washington Coalition meetings (virtual) and connect with a network of individuals and groups working to change Washington’s waste structure. This position has a 2 - 3 hour per week time commitment during Washington’s legislative session, Jan -March in 202Help us update our Zero Waste Guide4. 

Organizational Liaison to Beyond Plastics: Spokane Zero Waste is an affiliate of this national organization. We need a representative at their weekly meetings who can work with our communications manager and executive director to translate the national platform into locally relevant information. This information will be distributed through social media, print and at local tabling events.

Help us update out Zero Waste Guide

We want to help everyone in our community live as waste free as possible. Help us update our guides to do just that.

You’ll visit local grocery stores, repair shops, restaurants and retailers, take pictures and notes on what they have or do that supports waste free living. Your efforts will be showcased on our website and in social media and however else we can reach a broad and diverse audience. 

Volunteers Sewing

Let’s work together

Interested in volunteering? Fill out some info and we will be in touch shortly! We can't wait to hear from you!