Reduce the frightening amount of Halloween waste at this special Mend-It Cafe where in addition to fixing clothes & household textiles, we'll help your repair or repurpose Halloween costumes!
Did you know 35 million costumes are thrown away each year in the U.S., with 83% of those made from petroleum derived synthetics (plastics), shipped from overseas and worn just once.
Now that’s a horror story.
So go zero this Halloween. Shop your closet, shop your friends closet, host a costume/clothing swap, shop thrift stores and creative reuse centers.
And if you're busting out an old costume and you’ve busted out the seams, or if you need help making your new zero waste costume fit, we’re here for you.
Please note: we may not be able to fix all costumes due to the type of materials used - we'll do our best though!